

The school is currently open as normal.


About our 6th Form

At The Boswells Sixth Form we offer our students a real opportunity to achieve success. The Sixth Form is a vibrant, friendly and highly successful learning and social community, which offers the support and challenge to each student to enable them to embrace the requirements of higher level and more independent study.

Our A Level results in 2019 were excellent and over the past few years our students have consistently been amongst the highest achieving in Essex, significantly above the national and Essex Averages. 55% of all grades awarded were awarded A*-B, 88% at A*-C and 99.7% A*-E. View a full breakdown of our A Level Results.

A student joining our Sixth Form will be expected to work hard in a broad range of challenging courses, but at the same time, make a wider contribution to the school and community at large. They will be working with likeminded students and receive support and guidance from a range of dedicated specialist staff. During their time here we expect every student to develop their independent learning skills, so they become well equipped for the challenges of university and the work place. Supervised study time will be allocated within each student’s timetable and it is also an expectation that everyone should spend a minimum time of 15 hours per week studying outside of timetabled lessons. 

Away from academic study, students in Year 12 receive timetabled Enrichment periods each week. This allows them to become rounded individuals, willing to take on responsibilities and extra-curricular activities to ensure they develop more than just their academic abilities. We hold a Visiting Speaker (VSK) session fortnightly and invite people in from all walks of life, such as Women’s Aid, Project Trust, various charities, judges, politicians and universities. These sessions broaden and enrich our students experience and often lead into very interesting debates and Q&A sessions. The Sixth Form also offers a unique opportunity for aspiring volleyball players to combine professional full time training alongside their academic studies.  

The majority of our students go on to University, Higher Education or gain an apprenticeship once they have completed their studies, however, we recognise that university is not the only option and we have a Careers Advisor to offer advice and guidance on careers applications.

The aim of the Sixth Form is that all students will leave well equipped for the next stage of their lives, whether it is university, an apprenticeship, school leaver programme, employment or a Gap Year.

If you would like more information regarding our Sixth Form please contact Mrs Cherry on 01245 264451 or email kcy@boswells-school.com

The School Day

Registration 8:35am - 9:00am
Period 1 9:00am - 10:00am
Period 2 10:00am - 11:00am
Breaktime 11:00am - 11:20am
Period 3 11:20am - 12:20pm
Period 4 12:20pm - 13:20pm
Lunchtime 1:20pm - 2:00pm
Period 5 2:00pm - 3:00pm

The Sixth Form Supervised Study

  • This is where you sign in for your timetabled Supervised Study Periods
  • If you have practical work to do you MUST still sign in and state where you are going i.e.. Photography
  • This room is for independent studyand therefore all mobile phones must be on silent and only to be used for listening to music with earphones –no texting or calling at any time
  • Do homework in your Supervised Study Periods, so you have time for further reading at home
  • No food or drink other than bottled water is allowed

Year 13 Results 2023 Release can be found . 

Assembly Rota for 2023 - 2024 these are held on Fridays' and can be found .  







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