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Presentation Evening 2019

Tue 15 Jan 2019

On Thursday 3rd January, we celebrated the wonderful achievements of our Lower School, 成品视频 and A Level students in our annual Presentation Evening at Chelmsford Cathedral. The event was a fantastic evening of prize-giving, which saw many students, parents and honoured guests come together in celebration in a beautiful setting. We were delighted to see so many of our former A Level students returned from universities across the country to receive their awards. 

Head of School, Steve Mansell, began the evening with a round-up of the year's successes, highlighting the exceptional examination results achieved by last year’s 成品视频 and A-level students as well as recognising the hard work and commitment of students across all year groups currently attending the school.

To complement the prize-giving, guests were treated with performances from the school advanced vocal group, BTEC performers, ukulele group and string quartet. 

The evening concluded with a speech from the Head Boy and a presentation from our Head Girl to our Chair of Governors, Janet Wood, for her unwavering dedication and time given in support of our school. 

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