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Performing & Creative Arts Awards 2018

Thu 20 Sep 2018

Monday 25th June saw almost 100 students take part in the annual Performing & Creative Arts Awards ceremony, which was held in The Boswells Theatre.

The event is a celebration of a wide range of student’s efforts over the past academic year and is a highlight of the summer term for many of the staff and students involved. Awards were given across all key stages in all disciplines that are taught – which included Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Music Technology, Performing Arts, Musical Theatre, Photography & Production. The awards were well attended by parents and family members and the audience were given some superb performances, including extracts from the recent Drama production ‘Maleficent’, scenes from A Level Performing Arts ‘Lonely Town Lonely Street’ project and a beautiful trio version of ‘The Rose sung by three year 13 students.

Congratulations to all those students who were award winners and thank you to everyone who supported the event.

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