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Boswells Law Department sponsored by Tees Solicitors

Thu 20 Sep 2018

The Law Department launched its partnership with Tees Solicitors.  This will provide greater opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom for our students. 

Polly Kerr, a Solicitor from Tees, presented a cheque for £3,500 to the students in the Law Department.  The funding will be used to purchase materials for the Law students and will also help to fund the Mock Bar Trial Team when competing against other schools in the local Crown Court.

The students have already benefited from advice given regarding advocacy skills and will be given further support for the next competition which will be held in November.  In addition Tees are providing students with a practical insight into the everyday workings of a solicitor, which will be beneficial to their university applications.  We regularly have approximately 10 students per year who go on to study law at University.

The Law Department is hugely excited about this new initiative and is looking forward to the opportunities for further collaboration between the Department and Tees.  

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